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H.W. (Wally) Trapnell - Lest We Forget – The Denizens of Carrville and Coffee Creek Before the Damned Dam is a newly published narrative. Wally Trapnell came to Coffee Creek in 1948 and spent every summer until 1971 when he bought the Coffee Creek Liquor Store and lived here year round until 1976. Wally was a teacher and administrator at Dunsmuir High School for 33 years before retiring in 1993. Even though, up until now, Wally has had only sporadic visits, he has never lost touch with the area completely and he says "The draw of the area has become too strong to ignore, and while much has changed, the country is the same." He plans to return on a full time basis.

In his Foreword, Wally wrote, "In the years after I first came to Coffee Creek in the late 1940s, there lived, for varying lengths of time and at various locations up and down the creek and at Carrville, as unique a group of individuals as one would likely find anywhere in the West." He says, "Before the names of these people are lost forever, it seems like a good idea to record them and a little something about them, as they all were part of Trinity County's history and heritage."

Wally gives credit to Viola Karrer, her brother, Victor Maddox, Mark Groves and Ken Collins for their help in completing this narrative that takes you on a trip down memory lane, starting at Carrville up to the head of Coffee Creek. The book may be purchased at the Trinity Center Museum for $7.00. All proceeds from the book go to the museum.

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