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2019 California Building Standards Code
Went into effect January 1, 2020

The new 2019 Building Code has many new requirements for construction regarding fire safety. Be sure to review the new Title 24 before you build!

Current approved Title 24 text

California's Wildland-Urban Interface Building Codes

Protecting a building from wildfire takes a two-pronged approach:

  • Remove flammable materials from around the building
  • Construct the building of fire resistant material

New building codes will protect buildings from being ignited by flying embers that can travel as much as a mile away from the wildfire.

Fire Information and Protection

In case of fire, Call 911

Trinity County Wildfire Information

Area Smoke Issues

What can you do?

Safety is not an Accident

In January 2005, a new state law became effective that requires that homeowners clear 30 feet and do fuel modification to 100 feet around their buildings to create a defensible space for firefighters to protect their homes.

Wildfire Information

Forests -- Management, timber revenue, hazards

Burn Permits

Note: You can download a summary of campfire and debris pile fire rules here. A brief summary follows:

Camping/backpacking permits

California Campfire Permits are required for open fires, including campfires, barbeques, and portable stove on federally controlled lands as well as private property of another person. This is true outside campgrounds as well as the back country. Permits are free and good for the entire calendar year. Just get a permit and stick it in your backpack and forget about it. Get them free online here.

Yard burning is permitted with a Burn Permit

It is mandatory to obtain a valid burn permit for all open outdoor burning for the purpose of disposing dried, natural vegetation grown on site. A residential burn permit authorizes an individual to burn a maximum of one pile (4 foot by 4 foot) of approved materials on the ground at a time. Burn hours are 6:00AM until one hour before sunset on permissive burn days only. Before burning: call 866-BURN-DAY (866-287-6329) for burn day status.

Burn Permits are required for all residential, non-residential and commercial burning in Trinity County. Burn barrels are allowed in Trinity County for burning non-glossy paper and cardboard.

You are always required to have an Air Quality Management District permit, and you may be required to also have a CalFire permit. To request an Air Quality burn permit application: write to Burn Permit Program, AQMD, 2300 Myrtle Ave, Eureka, CA 95501. Or visit their website; or go to the Weaverville Ranger Station.

Check CalFire to see if burn permits have been suspended! Burning is normally restricted starting in May, and completely suspended (ie, NO BURING ALLOWED) starting sometime in June, depending upon how fast the forest and vegetation dry out after spring.

Trinity Center VFD
Emergency: 911
Firehouse: 530-266-3420
Info: 530-286-2270

Coffee Creek VFD
Emergency: 911
Firehouse: 530-266-3955
Info: 530-266-3443

Mountain Community Medical Services (Trinity Hospital)
Emergency: 911
Tel: 530-623-5541

Trinity County Sheriff
Emergency: 911
Tel: 530-623-8127

Trinity Center Mutual Water Company
Tel: 530-266-3350

Trinity Knolls Mutual Water Company
Tel: 530-266-3504

Coffee Creek Acres Mutual Water Company
Tel: 530-266-3255

Seymour Water District
Tel: 530-266-3805

Treasure Creek Woods Mutual Water Company
Tel: 530-266-3286

Covington Mill Mutual Water Company
Division A (Covington Mill)
Tel: 530-246-9691

Covington Mill Mutual Water Company
Division B (Lake Forest)
Tel: 530-768-0302

Trinity Public Utility District
Tel: 800-968-7783

Trinity County Solid Waste
Tel: 530-623-1326 x108
Snow line x199

TDS Telecom
Tel: 800-358-3648

Trinity Center CSD
Tel: 530-266-3238

Trinity Center Post Office
Tel: 530-266-3455

Trinity Center Library
Tel: 530-266-3242

North Trinity Lake Improvement Association
Tel: 530-266-3807

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