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A Little Trinity Center Library History

The Trinity Center Library came into being because of one lady's love of books:

Maude Scott loved to read. How she found time to read after managing the Guest Ranch she and her husband, Edwin Scott, owned, is amazing.

She decided there should be books to read in Trinity Center, but the nearest Library was in Weaverville, and in the 1920’s the roads were in terrible condition and the trip was an over night occasion, but Maude would go to Weaverville twice a year and bring back boxes of books from the Trinity County Library and stock them on a shelf at the ranch for her guests and members of the community to read.

She continued this until 1959 when the old Trinity Center was moved to its present location. Her husband, Edwin wanted to build a Museum. Maude wanted a Library, so the agreement was made that there would be a room attached to the museum to house the Library.

Maude died in December of 1961, six years before the Library was completed and open to the public. Edwin Scott was determined to honor his wife’s memory with the completion of the library.

There have been five librarians since its opening. They were, Viola Guchard, Carol Shea, Mrs. Eppley, Marion Tietzel and Marianne Keesee. The community welcomed and has used the Library since its opening.

Mary Hamilton said her mother’s love of books was passed down to her children. When Mary was a young girl, (and very obedient) she helped her mother with the Guest Ranch. She said there was always something to do. So she kept a book near by, and when she finished a job she was asked to do, (which she always did) and before her mother could set her at another task, she would grab her book and find a hiding place to read. Usually in a tree, but some times Mary would climb a straight up and down ladder in the barn to get to its highest loft to hide and read her book.

Her brother, Lynton Scott, has a personal library that is larger than the Trinity Center Library.

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